Monday, June 17, 2013

Solutions for Getting Angry at Work....

The worlds first female billionaire, always has things to teach me. Today as I read some of the tips from her newsletter in my Inbox....I thought "Thank Goodness' I've learnt how to deal with most of these things....but I thought they may be helpful to you.

We can't always do read on for your solutions.

From Oprah's ezine this morning.....situations and click through for solutions.

The Left-Handed Reducer
Let’s say you have a colleague who has a habit of giving backhanded compliments. “You don’t look happy in that dress!” she says sweetly. “Don't worry, it makes you look smaller from behind.” Fuming, you keep hearing her words over and over: Worry...Smaller...Behind.

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The “Game Your Rage” Reducer
Among other annoying cost-cutting measures, your workplace is making you swipe your ID every time you need to use the printer. The card reader breaks all the time and takes days to fix. Today it goes on the fritz right before your big presentation—and all you can do is rage against the machine.

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Want to read the whole article, click here.