Monday, September 22, 2014


My  S.M.A.R.T. Check


The next step for your success planning is to do some practical planning. 

Complete this exercise for each of your important goals.



SPECIFIC – What information or training do I need to achieve this/these outcomes?

Training courses, correspondence courses or evening courses.





MEASURABLE – What is measurable here?

Can I afford it?  How long will it take? Who can support or help me?

1        Cost/budget?       




2        Hours/Time?




3        People/help?        




ACCOUNTABLE – Who am I accountable to for reaching my target?

Family, partner, boss.




 REALISTIC – Do I see any obstacles in the way of achieving this/these results?

Study time, lack of finances, work, family commitments.




 TIME FRAME – Have I set a realistic deadline/time frame/time line?

Can I complete this full-time in one year or is two years part time more suitable.




 If you want more help with setting goals and aligning yourself to
success, check out my Attitude Training Programme which is all
about learning about your goals, setting them and creating at
1, 3, 5 10 year programme for yourself. Click here.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent

If you are not living your dream life and in your dream job, you can start realigning your thoughts to feel more positive to draw more positive experiences into your life as your change your thoughts from a negative vibe to a positive vibe. Here are three concepts to consider:

Annoying Co-Worker

Contrasting Co-Worker Situation: I share an office with someone whom I can hardly stand to be around. She doesn’t have a nice thing to say about much of anything and she wants to talk all the time. She doesn’t enjoy her job, and she treats me like I’m foolish when I want to do my work. I wish she’d either quit or get fired. Life is too short to have to spend so much time with someone so unpleasant. Here’s how you feel about this situation right now:  

Resulting Desires: I want to work with people who are nice to be around. I want to feel good when I'm at work.

Your Present Resulting Emotions again are: I feel irritation, I feel blame, I feel anger.

To change how you feel about the situation by your deliberate effort to change your thoughts to align with your desire (as written above) here are some new thoughts to think:

  • I’ve learned to really focus when I’m at work.
  • Because I’m really focussing, I’m getting a lot of work done
  • I don’t know what is really bothering her
  • She does have a nice smile
  • I’m sure that she’d like to feel better at work to
Your Result – is that you are now thinking thoughts that make you feel better and consequently you draw into your life more positive experiences.


Not working in a job you enjoy!

Contrasting Job Situation:  I get paid pretty well, compared to other jobs around but I don’t look forward to going to work. I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing for a long time and I don’t feel stimulated at all. No-one seems to notice what I do unless I make a mistake. The day goes by so slowly and then I have to turn around and do it all again the next day

Resulting Desires: I want more exciting, stimulating work. I want to look forward to going to work. I want to feel eager about my job.

Your Present Resulting Emotions (from above): I feel boredom, I feel pessimism.

To change how you feel about the situation by your deliberate effort to change your thoughts to align with your desire (as written above) here are some new thoughts to think:

  • When I did into a task I can enjoy it.
  • Some things I enjoy more than others.
  • Sometimes I make fun games out of tasks.
  • I enjoy improving my method of accomplishing tasks.
  • I think I’ll try that regarding more of my tasks.
  • I’m going to watch for way I can be of value.
Your Result – is that you are now thinking thoughts that make you feel better and consequently you draw into your life more positive experiences.


Not working in the dream career yet!

Contrasting Co-Worker Situation: I’ve wanted to be an actress ever since I was a little girl.

I took some classes and found out that I’m pretty good at it. I get some acting work from time to time, but nothing exciting, and nothing that I really want. It’s hard. There are so many people applying for the same work that I am, that it seems hopeless. Maybe I should just forget about it and go get a real job. I feel disappointed, I feel discouraged.

Resulting Desires: I want to get some great acting jobs. I want a job where I’ll be recognised as a good actress. I want to get some jobs that will lead to more jobs.

Your Present Resulting Emotions (from above): I feel disappointed, I feel discouraged.

To change how you feel about the situation by your deliberate effort to change your thoughts to align with your desire (as written above) here are some new thoughts to think:

  • I’m getting some acting work
  • I’m gathering experiences
  • I’m getting clearer about the work I really want
  • I do get to meet really interesting people.
  • I’ve come a long way
  • I’ve had some really good auditions.
  • I love the feeling of a really good audition.
Resulting Desires: I want to get some great acting jobs. I want a job where I’ll be recognised as a good actress. I want to get some jobs that will lead to more jobs.
Thanks for this concepts from the book:
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
 Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My job - Just Be Me!

Those who try to be everything to everybody... fail themselves first and then those people they are trying so hard to please.

Be true to WHO you are and enjoy BEING you.

Always work towards improving the very special 'you' that you are; make changes that are in line with 'who' you are and get rid of the bits the bring you down. You are uniquely and wonderfully made-

Don't make changes for the sake of pleasing other people- this is a lie and can only be maintained for a period of time before you start to crack under the pressure.

Life can be fun! Life can be EXCITING! Life is designed bring and give JOY with each day that passes- no matter the circumstance!

If you are creating a life that goes against your true self... life won't be fun, free and light hearted. It will be hard work. And it will show.

Get out and enjoy your life. Make the most of the person you are and the person you were designed to be.
 Its OK if not EVERYONE likes you or agrees with you!! We are ALL different, have have our own opinions!! And thank goodness for that!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Saying NO to a Bully at Work

Saying NO to a Bully at Work

Bullying is rife in the workforce and in relationships where one person attempts to dominate another person and creates a win/lose situation. That's where one person feels ok and the other person doesn't. Relationships are about mutual respect, trust and communication and creating win/win situations. Here are a few tips.

  1. If you feel you Not OK, after a conversation you could be getting bullied
  2. Analyse what's happened: eg. what is a misunderstanding, something not done or finished or something else.
  3. If it is in your job description you probably need to do it.
  4. Be willing to negotiate and compromise if appropriate to create a win/win solution.
  5. Use assertive and professional communication to try to solve the problem
  6. If it still doesn't get solved, decide on your next step. eg. Do you need to discuss it with a supportive and understanding person.
  7. Honour your feelings (gut reaction or intuition) and if it does not feel right, or align to your values, don't do it.
  8. Get more help if you need it
  9. Stand in your own power and be proud to honour yourself.
  If you want more ideas and solutions visit for free ebooks and more tips.