Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to Move from Fear to Faith - Wikipedia's definitions

Wikipedia's Abridged Definitions


Fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism responding to pain or the threat of danger.

Fear is the ability to recognize danger, flee from it (also known as the fight-or-flight response) or  freeze or paralysis response is possible.

Fear is frequently related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance.

Fear almost always relates to future events, such as worsening of a situation.

Fear can also be an instant reaction to something presently happening.

Most common fears: According to surveys, some of the most common fears are of ghosts, the existence of evil powers, cockroaches, spiders, snakes, heights, water, enclosed spaces, tunnels, bridges, needles, social rejection, failure, examinations and public speaking.

Causes: People develop specific fears as a result of learning. This has been studied in psychology as fear conditioning.

Brain: There are studies looking at areas of the brain that are affected in relation to fear. When looking at these areas (amygdala), it was proposed that a person learns to fear regardless of whether they themselves have experienced trauma, or if they have observed the fear in others.

Creation: Fear is affected by cultural influences and historical experience, especially during childhood

Fear of the Unknown: Something that a lot of people are scared of is the "unknown" such as the hereafter, the next ten years, or even tomorrow.

Many people are too scared to take the path they want to, because of what may lie ahead.

Most people would rather teach things they've been taught than go and do research on something new. This can lead to habits such as procrastination and under achievement.


Informal usage of faith can be quite broad, including trust or belief without proof, and "faith" is often used as a substitute for "hope", "trust" or "belief".

Depending on the religion, faith is belief in a god or gods or in the doctrines or teachings of the religion. Wikipedia lists many religions. (This ebook written from that angle)

 Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence because it is in the future and not yet occurred.


Free Ebook 'How to Move from Fear to Faith' Click Here






Monday, November 19, 2012

Moving Forward to 2013

Moving from Fear to Faith has been a journey I’ve undergone…and I must say it has included some great lessons in life. When you are learning people transform gradually through a series of steps.

You may recall the first time you learnt to drive a car, use a computer or any other new skill, mastering the new information was a staged process for you. It is the same when you move from Fear to Faith:

 Stage One – Impossible. You repeatedly refer to a manual.

Stage Two – Possible. Now you can remember a few of the instructions.

Stage Three – Mastery. You remember many commands and you continue to master your skill
 My Tips to Help You:
  1. Realise that life is a big school and every day you have a lesson.
  2. Let go of the past, live in the present, enjoy today, create your future.
  3. You are unique, no-one has your fingerprint…learn to be your best.
If you want to be ahead of the rest of the pack...coaching and classes available.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dealing with Difficult People Action Plan



Stage One – Analysing


            Personality Styles (PS)

                          Understand your own PS                                                                  

                               Understand the other persons PS


            Relationship Scenarios


                      Which category:

                                    I’m not OK, You’re not OK;

                                    I’m not OK, You’re OK;

                                    I’m OK, You’re not OK;

                                    I’m OK, You’re OK;


Stage Two – Your Checklist for Strategising

                     Did you use effective communication?

                     Did you use words they understand (not technical or slang)

                     Have you made the message easily understood?

                     Have you checked the receiver understood you message?


            Which communication style is being used? Passive, Aggressive Assertive (circle)


                         Did you use “I” statements in your conversation?

                     Has good listening skills, empathy been used?

                     Did you use one of the ‘feedback’ tools?

                     Is your self-esteem in tact? Is the other person’s?

                     Did you ensure your ego is out of the way and not boosted?


            Does the person have a positive or negative attitude? (circle)


Stage Three – Action  

             Have you thought about how you are going to carry out this action plan

             Is it feasible and progressive?  

             Is there room for change over 1, 2, 3, 6 months, allowing time for learning?

                 Do you need to organise a meeting with the other person?

Want more information? Free Ebook and Course at http://www.difficultpeoplehelp.com

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lacking Confidence to Be Happy? Learn the Movie Stars Tricks!

 Fifty percent of the people in the world are searching for happiness, success, confidence, money and love. At birth new babies were not given a book with instructions and neither were most new parents, so everyone bungled along as best they could. Teenage years and adult hood came along and folk continued bungling along in life...searching for an elusive 'something'. Many people fail to find it and wonder if happiness and success is possible for themselves. In the movies and magazines it seems the celebrities and stars have the answers, but everyone can learn from them. 

Many successes stories start with a decision and commitment to achieve something or follow a dream. Whether it's losing weight, saving money, finding a partner or job, or happiness, it first begins with a negative feeling or thought that really upsets you. You feel unhappy, unworthy, unloved and so much pain around it, that you become entrenched in a rut in your life. Everyone has different levels of not feeling okay but when your uncomfortable feelings and thoughts dominate you day and night you can become depressed and engage in activites that ‘shut out’ your negative thoughts.

 But don't worry you are not alone, every person has the ability to learn the skills to move forward in life and it's a choice between A and B. Choice A you continues to live your present life. Choice B you take steps every day to change your thinking to create a new life for yourself. No-one has control of your thoughts except you, so no matter what others say, your life is in your hands...or head.

It's like walking on a swing bridge when you imagine you will fall off. You get caught in fear and the possibilities of what could go wrong. However, when you finally overcome your fear and find the courage to walk across it, your feelings of absolute achievement and ecstasy have you elated.  You bask living life on a high as you are caught up in the feelings with adrenalin and endorphins pumping through your body.

 This is the same every time you try something you are fearful in your life, so don’t delay your happiness.  Here are three tips that movie stars use to help you.

 Find your passions

Discover something you are so passionate about and enjoy, that life without it would seem unconceivable. Some movie stars come from the life of hard knocks, unhappy families, lack of schooling, money and other challenges...but their commitment to a goal overcomes all the hiccups on their way to success. A sports or movie star does not become a success instantly. It maybe years of starting to act at school, or playing a sport from a youngster that has started the road to their dream.

 With our 'New Zealand Has Talent' appearing on television we are seeing this in action. All of these talented people have been learning about their passion and gifts long before appearing on television

Life is a learning curve - one step at a time.

No-one learnt acting, singing, computer, television, microwave, mobile phone or anything the first time they used it. They went through these three stages of learning.

1)      You think it is so difficult you will never master it without reading the manual each time.

2)      You have been practising and realise this is possible to learn. You start to remember partially how to use it.

3)      After more practise you master the skill. You are proud of yourself and can teach others.

When we watch a movie, we view the final take, when the actors and actresses may have had one or twenty attempts to film that scene. Sometimes we are lucky enough to see some of the 'bloopers' and people have forgotten the words, laughed or a number of other mistakes. So - perfect does not happen the first time you attempt something.

Don't listen to people who don't support you and put you down.

Don't let them upset you. These people have not got the courage to try themselves and learn how to feel good when they achieve something; instead they attempt to 'upset' you. If this happens they have achieved their goal and feel okay. However, you have not achieved your goal and feel not okay. Their emotional intelligent is low and they are may even by jealous, so do not let them deter you.

 In New Zealand, there are many people who criticise your attempts to try something new without even attempting it themselves. Our country is known for the tall poppy syndrome which is where underachievers constantly criticise people who are trying new ideas and achieving. The movie critics are the same. They do not act themselves and are easy to criticise others.

 Having confidence in life is a learning curve. Every time you learn something new, you feel better about yourself. However, to enable you to keep moving out of your comfort zone you have to control your thinking. As you master each new skill into your life, your confidence grows.

If you are not sure what you are passionate about, write down three things you would like to learn. Research them and decide what you have the courage to learn and as Nike says: Just Do It.

Life is about choices. As children we lived under our parents rules but as adults you need to learn new rules that suit your life today. The world is a different place, so it is imperative you update your thinking. We do it with our mobile phones and technology and it is vital you rewire your brain as well.

You need to find the courage to work through your fear to 'get to the other side' or chose to stay living life moaning, grizzling, eating, drinking, and unhappy. You attract other people who live their lives the same and your life will be wasted as you live in a circle of negativity, lack and under achieving.

Everyone has the same time frame, so find a minute a day to write down a quote and read it and learn to recite it. Repeat it the next day and slowly you change your thoughts. Alternatively there are free books and resources in libraries on the radio or television, or attend workshops and courses to learn more quickly to change your confidence levels and ‘get on track’ in your life.

 There is a famous quote" if it's to be - it's up to me”. No body is going to 'learn' things for you. Your life is a big school and if you want to be loved, successful, confident and happy you have to learn the lessons. If a relationship doesn't work, learn more about yourself before finding a new partner. If you lose your job or don't like it, learn what you want and up skill yourself. If you are unhappy, learn how to be happy. The only thing stopping you is your thoughts and if you change those, you will change your life.


Janice Davies has four Live Life Confidently workshops from 17 October to 17 November in Auckland. Details at www.attitudespecialist.co.nz  Also free ebooks at www.xfactorconfidence.com
Email Janice@attitudespecialist.co.nz or phone 021 514 511.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fabulous Books for Your Success

  1. Be a Winner By Boosting Your Self Esteem by Janice Davies (US$14.90)
  2. If You’re a Dog, You Gotta Bark by Martin Gray (US9.99)
  3. Inside Your Mind by Stephanie Philp (US$15)
  4. Better Questions to be More Optimistic by Lindsay Tighe (US$9.95)

Click on the book links to purchase.
  1. Be a Winner By Boosting your Self Esteem. Low self esteem destroys lives, careers and relationships, so if low self-esteem is a challenge for you or for someone you love, then this book is a must-read. It includes definitions, activities, poems, quotes and self-help exercises to assist you to work towards your greatness. You will find:
    • 4 definitions of self-esteem
    • 5 activities to boost your self-esteem
    • 5 activities to boost another person's self-esteem
    • Activities to boost a child's self-esteem
  2. If You’re a Dog, You Gotta Bark. If you’ve ever felt "I can't go on like this anymore: how do I get out of this mess and live a life I really would enjoy?" then you will love Martin Gray's book because Martin is passionate about people being able to express themselves; to BE themselves; to be creative in their life and to reach their own, un-restricted potential.

    He found himself following the ‘success' credo - which resulted in him having a complete nervous breakdown. During some dark days, he went through periods of self doubt, semi-depression and dissatisfaction. But during those black times, he also began to get insights into who he was and what he really wanted to do with his life. Great read.

  3. You're going to love learning more about what goes on, 'Inside Your Mind' and using the skills in this highly interactive, multi-sensory E Book to enhance your thinking processes and ignite your success. This is real practical stuff you can use today:

    * How to make subtle changes to your mental maps to enhance how you feel
    * How to consciously take control of feeling good more often!
    * How thinking occurs and how you create your mental maps
    * How to change tiny aspects of your thinking processes so you're more motivated

  4. Better Questions To Be More Optimistic. Pessimists never see or describe themselves as pessimist; they are more inclined to call themselves ‘realists'. But think about that. Does reality always have to be dark? Do we always have to look on the negative side? Does the worst thing that could ever happen, ever actually happen?
Click on the book links to purchase.
  1. Be a Winner By Boosting Your Self Esteem by Janice Davies (US$14.90)
  2. If You’re a Dog, You Gotta Bark by Martin Gray (US9.99)
  3. Inside Your Mind by Stephanie Philp (US$15)
  4. Better Questions to be More Optimistic by Lindsay Tighe (US$9.95)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Eliminate Your Biggest Fears

We often have a tendency to ignore
our deepest fears.

Which makes sense, of course, because
why would we want to think or focus
on something we fear?

We're innately programmed to avert these
fears, ignore them, push them down.

The problem, however, is that when we
do that they don't go away or play less
of a role in our lives.

If anything, they play a bigger, and
oftentimes more unconscious role.

That's the bad news.

The good news is that you can finally
do something about these fears.

You can finally let them go and
change your life in profound ways.

Whether it's a fear of public speaking,
fear of heights or any other phobia,
fear of standing out, fear of success,
fear of failure…the list goes on and

What would your life be like without
these fears? Imagine for a second,
that the biggest thing holding you
back…was gone..

Watch this video with NY Times
bestselling author Kris Carr as
she shares some of her deepest
fears and what she did to overcome


You'll also learn:

-The 3 things that Kris believes are
the key to balanced health (And why
most people ignore one of these in

-Why most people fail at losing we*ght
and meeting their health goals...(it’s not
what most people think and is the leading
reason why so many diets fail)

-Why emotions play such a big role in
our health and what Kris dos on a regular
basis to stay balanced...

This video is guaranteed to be one of the most
eye opening videos you'll see all year.



Janice Davies

P.S. - This video is part of the fr*ee Tapping
World Summit pre-event video series being
released over the next few days leading up
to this enormous event starting on May 7th
(Last year over 300,000 people attended
this event online)

If you missed the first video with Nick Ortner
on how to rewire your brain to get any result
you want in life you'll get access to that video
as well when you see this one. Both are
very powerful...


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Joe Girard - FROM Humble Beginnings PART 2

The Detroit Free Press can probably be credited with the first insight given to Joe with regard to exceptional progress.

A contest was proclaimed for the solicitation of new readers. The grand prize was to be a new, sparkling two-wheeler bicycle. Now 12 years of age, this driven youngster had never possessed a bike. Joe knew the secret that could win the bike. He would spend every unused, waking moment knocking on doors and asking for business. This had always been his secret. He knew that it worked - what he could not comprehend was why the other newsboys did not see the obvious. Joe won more than the bicycle. He won the knowledge that if he planned his work and worked his plan, he could succeed. He learned that most people were not willing to make this sacrifice. As he once said, "any one of those kids could have beat me, but they weren't willing to work. They didn't want it badly enough."

Joe's teen years were difficult and bitter, especially at home. His natural spirit and pride brought him, time after time, into direct conflict with an increasingly bitter and vengeful father. Almost regularly he ordered Joe from the Gerard home. From the age of 14, Joe spent many of his nights sleeping in boxcars at the Grand Trunk Railroad yards, located directly across the street from his home. In bad weather, he used 25¢ a night flop houses. At this age he was now able to seek more rewarding employment after school, such as dishwasher, dock loader at the produce terminal, delivery boy, and pageboy at the Book-Cadillac Hotel. He also devoted some evenings to the neighborhood pool hall, trying to hustle additional dollars. He lived with the constant fear that if he didn't bring home sufficient money he would have to face his father's anger.
Formal education for Joe ended during the eleventh grade.

He was talking during a study period and was addressed by the school principal, but not by his name. Well aware of the existence of bigotry, but not willing to bow to it, Joe advised the man that he would not respond until he was called by his proper name. The principal stated "you people don't seem to understand how society will be run" and then called Joe a derogatory name reflecting upon his Sicilian ancestry. Joe's heated reaction resulted in his permanent dismissal from school.

At the age of 16, Joe obtained full-time employment at the Michigan Stove Company as a stove assembler. He earned $75 weekly, his greatest earnings thus far, even though it required 12-hour days, six days a week.

He then went to work as an assistant to a fruit and vegetable vendor who merchandised his goods on the east side of Detroit from the back of a truck. He enjoyed the outdoor work and was proud of his sales ability, but he realized one day that there was no future in this pursuit.
Dispirited and aimless, Joe joined the United States Army Infantry at the age of 18. Ninety seven days later, at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Joe fell from the rear of a speeding military vehicle and badly injured his back. He was given an honorable discharge after admitting to previously injuring his back diving for the school swimming team.

During the next two years, Joe would move from one unsatisfactory job to another, constantly frustrated with the belief that his lack of education kept him from all but manual labor.
He was often discouraged, but never gave up hope. He felt that somewhere in the world there was a place for him. He had the good fortune to meet Mr. Abraham Saperstein, a building contractor. Mr. Saperstein, a warm, generous, and understanding man, became his father surrogate when he invited Joe to enter the building business with the pledge that he would teach Joe everything he knew. He'd finally found his niche in life. The relationship between Joe and Mr. Saperstein grew over the years until his dear old friend retired and turned over the business to Joe.
Joe contracted to build a number of private homes in a Detroit subdivision. He accepted the word of a real estate speculator that the area was to have a sewer system installed, but this was not true. Individual septic tanks would have to be installed, greatly reducing the value of the homes. As a result, Joe lost his business. Joe Girard found himself without a job, without savings, and in debt to the tune of $60,000. It was the lowest moment in his life.

The next year Joe would find himself in an endless struggle trying to recover his losses and his ego. Things would finally hit rock bottom when June Girard tearfully told her husband that there was no food in the house and that their kids were begging for something to eat.

Joe had been job hunting without success, but on that day he pleaded with the sales manager of a Chevrolet dealership to hire him as a salesman. The manager was reluctant because of his lack of experience and traditionally slow sales in the month of January, but Joe stated that he would only take a desk somewhere in the rear of the dealership and count on the telephone to provide prospects. That evening he sold his first car and borrowed $10 from the manager to bring a bag of groceries home to his family. In his second month he would sell eighteen cars and trucks and was beginning to feel he had a secure breath. Much to his amazement, the owner of the dealership fired him for being too aggressive. Some of the other salesmen had complained.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


If you sometimes feel you will never be able to accomplish your dream, due to never having enough capital, the right connections or all the skills required, you need not worry anymore as many just like you, who found themselves in the same situation, were able to achieve their dreams with great success, despite the challenges they faced. Following are five inspiring stories of people who started from practically nothing, and yet achieved what seemed to be impossible. You mightn’t have heard of them, but they’ve overcome huge obstacles…just like you and I can.

Oprah Winfrey was born poor in the woods of Mississippi to a poor single teenage mother; she grew up without the many things we take for granted everyday: no shoes, no flushing toilets or new clothes. Despite these circumstances Oprah was named as the first black woman billionaire.

John Mackey and his girlfriend Renee would drop out of college to start their first health food store named Safer Way in Mackey's garage in Austin, Texas. Mackey would borrow $10,000 and raised an extra $35,000 to open the first vegetarian store in all of Texas. Safer Way would merge with another health food store and become known as Whole Foods. Whole Foods now has over 270 stores and is growing.

Madonna Louise Ciccone at 5 would see her mother die of breast cancer, her father would remarry and she would have a difficult time accepting her step mother and her new family. Madonna had little money when she dropped out of college to pursue dance and would work at Dunkin Donuts to survive. Since, her struggles she has sold more than 200Million albums.

Richard Branson suffered from dyslexia, as a result Branson performed poorly in school. He would buy crates of discounted records and sell them out of the trunk of his car to retail outlets and through mail orders under the name "Virgin". He made enough money to open his own retail store in London, which would lead to creating a record label known as Virgin Records. Branson now has over 360 companies under the Virgin brand including Virgin Airlines. As of 2008 Branson has an estimated net worth of $2.5Billion.

Les Wexner grew up in a working class family; he worked hard to get the things other children got for free. He would cut grass in the summers and shovel snow in the winters to make an allowance. Les always had a love for retail architecture and would drop out of college to start his own clothing store with a $5000 loan from his aunt. In five years he built enough stores to go public. What started as one small store grew to become Victoria's Secret, Abercrombie & Fitch, Express Men and Limited Too.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Joe Girard - FROM Humble Beginnings

Joe Girard is one of those rare creatures: a highly motivated man who can
communicate his inspiration and attitudes to others.

Joe refers to it as"spark." In his own words, "sparks create fires." His first
sparks would come painfully at an early age. He was born on the east side of Detroit, Michigan,
in one of the city's most deplorable ghettos. He lived about one mile from one
of his earliest heroes, Joe Louis, who escaped from poverty and became
heavyweight champion boxer of the world while Joe was still a struggling

The initial struggle beganwith his own father, Antonino Gerard, an extremely poor man of Sicilian birth who found no success in his new country and vented his bitterness, both
physically and emotionally, upon his younger son. Joe often speculates as to
whether his father's behavior was the carefully planned campaign of a man who
desperately wished to challenge his son. Whatever the truth, the senior Gerard
chose to constantly berate his son with the message that Joe would never amount
to anything worthwhile. This was Joe's first spark: the determination to prove
that his father had been wrong.

At the same time, Joe's mother fed him her constant love and belief that, indeed, Joe was capable of succeeding in life. This was Joe's second spark: to show his mother that her
love and judgment had not been misplaced.

These two sparks led to Joe's first revelation: that smart work and persistence could
work wonders.

At the age of 9, after school and a hurried dinner, Joe patrolled the neighborhood bars for some shoe shine customers. He would not have thought of it in these terms, but after
examining the market he decided that the best source for business was a place
of leisure where people were relaxed and inclined to be generous. Bars had another
advantage in bad weather: they were warm. To this day, Joe's two most precious
possessions are his original shoe shine box, sitting proudly upon the one file
cabinet of his office, along with a photograph of Joe shining shoes in a
saloon. The experience taught him another valuable lesson: a fear of alcohol.

Joe is willing to have an occasional drink, but he has never forgotten what he
saw in those bars.

His joy with this success lead to his next enterprise as a newscarrier.
At the age of 11, he took his second job as a newscarrier for the Detroit Free Press.
Because it was, and still is, a morning paper, it was necessary to be up at 5:30 a.m. to complete
his route before school. The Free Press, he quickly learned, also offered
bonuses for enterprising newsboys who where willing to solicit and gain new
business. For each new customer, the reward was a case of Pepsi-Cola. The old
barn behind the Gerard house was soon stacked high with the rewards of Joe's
efforts. Although it provided the four Gerard children with a huge supply of
soda pop, something their parents couldn't possibly afford, Joe soon realized
that he had a growing inventory of value and soon began his third business
venture as soda pop supplier to the neighborhood children at a price no ordinary
vendor could meet.

His proudest moments were on those days when he brought his
earning to his mother; no childish gesture as his pennies helped to put badly
needed food on the Gerard table.

MORE to come..

Monday, January 16, 2012

Attitude Powertip - Turning Failures into Successes.wmv

Changing Can'ts into Can's.

Here's 6 phrases for turning around your thinking.
I can't relax TO I can relax and read for 1 hour a day.(I visit my local library weekly or watch
a good TV programme)
I can't lose weight TO I can lose 5 kg in 2012.(I attend the gym 3 times a week and monitor
my diet)
I can't improve my relationship TO I can make my relationship better. (I'm upskilling my thinking with the
Hoponpono method)
I can't create my dream business TO I can create my dream business. (After my died/revived in 2010, I've taken my products online)
I can't make more money TO I can make more money online (I am taking learning how to create a greater online global presence)
I can't expand the Selfday TO I am creating a new campaign for 27th June Selfday- International Self Esteem Day)